The Necessary Pain of Trial-and-Error

Trial-and-error is one of the most useful forms of learning. When we make an error, or fail at something, we give ourselves an opportunity to analyze that failure, make a change, and then try again….

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The Curse of Familiarity

As we age we often become stuck in old routines and habits. In many ways, our growth stagnates. We begin to stick with what is familiar – whatever is in our “comfort zone” – and often we become stubborn, resistant, and even afraid to expose ourselves to new things. In short, we become complacent toward...

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The One Corner of The Universe You Can Improve

There’s only one corner of the universe that we have any significant control over, and that is our own thoughts, feelings, speech, and behavior. So often we fall into the trap of trying to control things that aren’t very much in our power – such as our environment and other people. We exert a lot (more…)

How To Bring Out Your Best Self

Don’t just be yourself, be your best self. Take what makes you you, and then build and expand off of it. Being yourself doesn’t mean you have to stay fixed in place or always repeat the same patterns of behavior. Instead, self-actualization is a never-ending process that keeps going moment-by-moment, day-by-day, and year-by-year. We are...

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