How Taking Breaks Boosts Creativity

At times the most healthy thing we can do to help our creativity is to just walk away from a project for a little while. The most creative discoveries usually don’t happen when trying to tackle a project directly through logic or reason or planning. We can’t force creativity to happen. Instead, creativity often comes…

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Get Rid of the Excess in Your Life

Learning to be content with what you have and not focus on what you don’t have can make all the difference in how satisfied you are with your life. So often we chase after excess stuff we don’t need – exuberant cars, clothes, TVs, phones, laptops, or whatever – and this constant striving can be...

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Treat Your Life More Like a Video Game

We often think of video games as a way to escape reality, but according to researcher and game designer Jane McGonigal, we can learn a lot of valuable lessons from video games that we can later translate into the real world….

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