psychology quizzes

Here’s our complete collection of self-improvement and personality quizzes. Use them as a starting point for reflection and self-discovery.

Keep in mind: These quizzes are meant to be fun (they aren’t scientific), but they can be a valuable tool for learning more about yourself.

For best results, permit yourself to use the full-range of options (“Strongly Agree” ⟷ “Strongly Disagree”). People often moderate their self-evaluations which can weaken the final score.

Don’t take any individual score too seriously. Treat these quizzes as a bouncing point for self-reflection rather than a 100% accurate rating. Review your answers and reflect on their meaning.

Choose a Quiz to Take Below…

Happiness Quiz: What Is Your Overall Level of Life Satisfaction?

Happiness Quiz: What Is Your Overall Level of Life Satisfaction?

A 25 question quiz designed to measure your current level of happiness and life satisfaction. What do you score?
Confidence Quiz: How Much Do You Believe in Yourself?

Confidence Quiz: How Much Do You Believe in Yourself?

A 25 question quiz designed to measure your current level of confidence. What do you score?
Emotional Intelligence Test: How Good Are You at Managing Your Emotions?

Emotional Intelligence Test: How Good Are You at Managing Your Emotions?

A 25 question quiz designed to assess how good you are at managing your emotions and navigating your emotional world. What do you score?
Digital Wellness Test: How Healthy Is Your Relationship With Technology?

Digital Wellness Test: How Healthy Is Your Relationship With Technology?

A 25 question quiz designed to measure your level of “digital wellness” and overall relationship with technology. What do you score?
Relationship Evaluator: How Strong Is Your Current Connection?

Relationship Evaluator: How Strong Is Your Current Connection?

How deep is your connection with your partner, spouse, or loved one? Take this 25 question quiz to gauge your love and find out how solid your foundation is.
Introversion vs. Extraversion Quiz: Do You Get Energized or Drained Being Around People?

Introversion vs. Extraversion Quiz: Do You Get Energized or Drained Being Around People?

A 25 question quiz designed to measure where you are on the introvert-extravert spectrum. What do you score?
Big Picture vs. Detail Oriented Thinker: Which Are You?

Big Picture vs. Detail Oriented Thinker: Which Are You?

A 25 question quiz to discover if you are more of a "Big Picture" or "Detail Oriented" thinker. What do you score?
Materialism Quiz: What's Your Relationship With Money and Stuff?

Materialism Quiz: What’s Your Relationship With Money and Stuff?

A 25 question quiz designed to measure your relationship with money and material things. What do you score?
Sense of Belonging Quiz: Do You Feel Like You Fit In This World?

Sense of Belonging Quiz: Do You Feel Like You Fit In This World?

Do you feel like you have a place in this world? Take this quick 25 question quiz to measure your current sense of belonging.
Social Intelligence Quiz: How Well Do You Navigate Your Social World?

Social Intelligence Quiz: How Well Do You Navigate Your Social World?

A 25 question quiz designed to measure your current level of social intelligence and social skills. What do you score?
Health and Lifestyle Quiz: How Well Do You Take Care of Your Body?

Health and Lifestyle Quiz: How Well Do You Take Care of Your Body?

A 25 question quiz designed to measure your current level of health and physical well-being. What do you score?
Open-Minded Quiz: How Open Are You to New Experiences?

Open-Minded Quiz: How Open Are You to New Experiences?

A 25 question quiz designed to evaluate how open-minded you are toward new experiences and trying new things. What do you score?
Social Anxiety or Shyness Quiz: What Do You Score?

Social Anxiety or Shyness Quiz: What Do You Score?

A 25 question quiz designed to measure your current levels of social anxiety and social fear.
Locus of Control Quiz: How Much Power Do You Feel You Have Over Your Life?

Locus of Control Quiz: How Much Power Do You Feel You Have Over Your Life?

A 25 question quiz designed to identify your "locus of control" and how much power you believe you have over your life. What do you score?
Need for Cognition Test: Do You Enjoy Cognitively Challenging Activities?

Need for Cognition Test: Do You Enjoy Cognitively Challenging Activities?

A 25 question quiz designed to measure how much you enjoy learning new things and thinking about deep subjects. What do you score?
Leadership Quiz: Are You a Successful Leader?

Leadership Quiz: Are You a Successful Leader?

A 25 question quiz designed to measure how good you are at being a leader and motivating others. What do you score?
Individualism vs. Collectivism Quiz: How Do You See Your Role in Society?

Individualism vs. Collectivism Quiz: How Do You See Your Role in Society?

A 25 question quiz designed to measure how much of an "individualist" or "collectivist" you are in relation to society and culture. What do you score?
Famous Psychologists Quiz: How Much Do You Know?

Famous Psychologists Quiz: How Much Do You Know?

How much do you know about psychology? Test your knowledge on these famous psychologists and theories. What do you score?