As an independently run website, The Emotion Machine relies on individual membership subscriptions to sustain itself and continue growing into the future.

However, we understand that financial circumstances can vary, and with visitors from all over the world, we never want to restrict helpful and practical information from those who truly need it.

If for any reason you can’t afford a monthly subscription due to current financial difficulties, please fill out the form below to request a free account. Everyone who is accepted will receive a free “Lifetime Account” (a $200 value). You can always donate what you can at a later date when you find yourself in a more stable situation.

Please take a moment to provide thoughtful responses. Any information shared will be completely confidential, but we want to ensure that requests are genuine and honest.

Ultimately we follow the honor system and try to give everyone the benefit of the doubt.

1. Name:

2. Email:

3. Age:

4. Country:

5. How did you discover The Emotion Machine?

6. What is your current life situation?

7. What's one big change you'd like to make in the next year? Why?

8. Are you committed to self-improvement?