
Discover more about the power of your daily habits and how to change them to better serve you and your goals in life.

Failing On Purpose: Put Yourself in Situations That Really Challenge You

Failing On Purpose: Put Yourself in Situations That Really Challenge You

Failure lets you know that you're going out of your comfort zone and trying new things. Learn to embrace it more, it can even be fun to put yourself in a situation where you know you will fail.
The Power of a "Hard Reset" In Your Life: When It's Time to Make a Big Change and Start Anew

The Power of a “Hard Reset” In Your Life: When It’s Time to Make a Big Change and Start Anew

If you’re feeling trapped in your life or you’re just looking to make a major change, sometimes your best option is to do a “hard reset” to your current life and start again from scratch. But only as a last resort.
Everything You Interact With Influences You (Whether You're Aware of It or Not)

Everything You Interact With Influences You (Whether You’re Aware of It or Not)

Every little detail in our environment can have an influence over our choices and behaviors. Often we aren't even aware of these details and how they influence us – it happens below the surface of our conscious minds.
Routines vs. Rituals: Finding the Meaning in Everyday Activities

Routines vs. Rituals: Finding the Meaning in Everyday Activities

What are the key differences between a ritual and a routine? How does one empower us while the other leaves us dull and unsatisfied?
Intermittent Fasting: The Mind-Body Benefits of Conscious Calorie Restriction

Intermittent Fasting: The Mind-Body Benefits of Conscious Calorie Restriction

Have you ever tried intermittent fasting? Tap into the power of hunger to supercharge your health, fitness, productivity, and motivation.
Grit: The Healthy Need for Achievement

Grit: The Healthy Need for Achievement

Grit and a healthy need for achievement can have many psychological benefits.
The 3 Second Rule: Anxiety is a Call to Action

The 3 Second Rule: Anxiety is a Call to Action

When it comes to anxiety, time can often be our worst enemy. The longer you wait, the more your anxiety builds.
The Power of Small Rituals in Overcoming Life's Obstacles

The Power of Small Rituals in Overcoming Life’s Obstacles

A ritual is any meaningful or symbolic behavior that we believe helps us face a situation or overcome an obstacle. Here's how to use the power of "small rituals" to improve your confidence and motivation.