Sitters and Rovers: Healthy Risk-Taking

Some biologists say that between 15-20% of the animal kingdom are sitters. They are defined as having a passive temperament – “slow-to-warm up” to their surroundings, and “often sitting on the sidelines observing.” The other 80% of animals are rovers. The have a more aggressive temperament, making them more engaged with their environment and motivated (more…)

Permission To Be Negative

Positive-thinking isn’t for everyone. For me, it often feels like a chore. I feel as though I need to constantly monitor every thought that goes through my head, then ask myself, “Is this positive? Am I sending out ‘good vibes’?” It takes up a lot of unnecessary energy to always be positive – and I’m...

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Changing Habits: What Keeps Me Stuck In Old Ways?

There are problems in my life that I have been conscious of for a very long time, but haven’t yet found the capacity to fix. I reflect on these old ways and old patterns, and I can clearly see the unnecessary pain and suffering they have caused me. Yet I remain stuck in them. Even...

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