The Science of Self-Affirmations

Self-affirmations are a popular tool in self improvement. The basic idea is that we can adopt healthy, positive, and productive beliefs if we recite a belief enough times to ourselves. For example, if we repeat a thought like “I’m a smart and happy person” 20 times every morning, then we may begin to actually believe...

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The Power of Walking: The Mind’s Natural Reset Button

All you really need to fix your problems sometimes is a nice pleasant walk. Do you ever find your mind wrestling over something and all it does is stress you out, but then you decide to go for a short 15-20 minute walk at a park, beach, or just around town, and you come back...

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How Taking Breaks Boosts Creativity

At times the most healthy thing we can do to help our creativity is to just walk away from a project for a little while. The most creative discoveries usually don’t happen when trying to tackle a project directly through logic or reason or planning. We can’t force creativity to happen. Instead, creativity often comes…

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