
Learn how to be a more creative and innovate thinker with these powerful lessons, tips, and advice backed by psychology and neuroscience.

How to Build a Creative Mind That Will Never Run Out of New Ideas

How to Build a Creative Mind That Will Never Run Out of New Ideas

Every mind is a creative mind if you know how to exercise your creative muscles. Check out these principles behind a mind that never runs out of new ideas.
The Psychology Behind What Makes Ideas Popular

The Psychology Behind What Makes Ideas Popular

What makes some ideas spread like wildfire while others are dead on arrival? Whether you're a businessman, politician, musician, or artist - your success depends on your ability to get your ideas to spread to large amounts of people.
The 5 Key Stages of the Creative Process: How Anyone Can Improve Their Creativity

The 5 Key Stages of the Creative Process: How Anyone Can Improve Their Creativity

A complete breakdown of the creative process. Learn the different stages to improve your creativity, problem-solving, and productivity.
How to Develop Your Own Creativity in a World of Conformity

How to Develop Your Own Creativity in a World of Conformity

There is no simple formula for creativity. However these guidelines are an excellent way to begin finding your unique voice and discovering your creative process in a world of conformity.
5 Improvisation Exercises for Improving Your Communication Skills

5 Improvisation Exercises for Improving Your Communication Skills

Life rarely follows a script, instead it's a lot of improvisation. Here are 5 great improvisation exercises for improving your communication skills.
The Need for Healthy Dissent: Standing Out and Breaking the Spiral of Silence

The Need for Healthy Dissent: Standing Out and Breaking the Spiral of Silence

It's important we recognize the need for dissent and be willing to step out-of-line when appropriate - or we risk continuing a vicious "spiral of silence."
How to Master Your Intuition and Know When to Trust Your Gut

How to Master Your Intuition and Know When to Trust Your Gut

Intuition is when we know something without knowing exactly why we know it. It's knowledge that isn't based on conscious thinking or reasoning, but a "deep down" understanding that can be difficult to verbalize or share with others.
The Science of Daydreaming: How It Benefits Creativity and Problem-Solving

The Science of Daydreaming: How It Benefits Creativity and Problem-Solving

Psychologists have discovered that daydreaming allows certain ideas and problems to "marinate" in our unconscious minds, allowing us to think of new possibilities and solutions even when we aren't working on a problem directly.
Invisible Counselors Technique: A Visualization for Problem-Solving

Invisible Counselors Technique: A Visualization for Problem-Solving

Napoleon Hill's "Invisible Counselors Technique" is a great imaginative exercise used to aid creativity and problem-solving.