
Discover more about the power of your daily habits and how to change them to better serve you and your goals in life.

In Defense of Your Comfort Zone: Observing Your Sensitivity Threshold

In Defense of Your Comfort Zone: Observing Your Sensitivity Threshold

Self-improvement requires a healthy balance between going outside of your "comfort zone" to grow and learn new things, while also retreating back to your "comfort zone" when it's time to relax and recharge.
Micro-Breaks: Keep Your Mind Fresh and Energized Throughout the Day

Micro-Breaks: Keep Your Mind Fresh and Energized Throughout the Day

Micro-breaks play an important role in keeping our minds fresh and energized throughout the day. Are you taking advantage of the power of micro-breaks?
Scattered Workout: Why You Should Spread Out Your Exercise Throughout the Day

Scattered Workout: Why You Should Spread Out Your Exercise Throughout the Day

Do you have trouble getting enough exercise? A "scattered workout" – where you spread out different exercises throughout your day – may be an easy and convenient approach to becoming a healthier and fitter person.
Doing Despite Disliking: Top Mental Strategies to Get You Through Doing Things You Don't Like

Doing Despite Disliking: Top Mental Strategies to Get You Through Doing Things You Don’t Like

We all have responsibilities, obligations, and chores that we don't necessarily like doing, but know we have to do anyway. Here are the top mental strategies for completing these tasks, according to psychologists.
5 Mental Health Boosters to Combat Winter Sadness

5 Mental Health Boosters to Combat Winter Sadness

As the days get darker, colder, and shorter, it's a good time to install some extra "mental health boosters" into your routine. Here are important tools to minimize winter sadness (or "seasonal affective disorder").
Why a Daily Self-Care Routine Is More Important Than a Vacation

Why a Daily Self-Care Routine Is More Important Than a Vacation

Every day is a "mental health day" if you make self-care a part of your daily routine.
Don't Become An Information Junkie: A Balance Between Learning And Taking Action

Don’t Become An Information Junkie: A Balance Between Learning And Taking Action

One big trap in self improvement is becoming an "information junkie." This is when we spend more time learning new information than putting it into action.
The Hedonic Treadmill: An Essential Insight for Maximizing Happiness

The Hedonic Treadmill: An Essential Insight for Maximizing Happiness

Your experience of happiness, pleasure, and joy often depend on the situation and context. If you understand this, you can maximize the happiness in your life.
Triggers: Creating Boundaries Between You and Your Bad Habits

Triggers: Creating Boundaries Between You and Your Bad Habits

When you can't always rely on sheer willpower to change yourself, one tool you can use is creating more boundaries between you and your bad habits.