
Discover more about your emotions, what function they serve in your life, and how to better respond to your feelings and mood on a daily basis.

How We Use Music to Manage Our Stress and Emotions

How We Use Music to Manage Our Stress and Emotions

Music is one of the most popular ways we regulate our mental state and emotions. Here is a great breakdown of the many ways we can use the power of music to augment our lives (including using music for relaxation, motivation, creativity, and happiness).
How to Build Thick Skin and Stop Being So Sensitive

How to Build Thick Skin and Stop Being So Sensitive

How sensitive are you to other people's thoughts and opinions? Discover how to develop "thick skin" and not be so easily offended or threatened by what other people say and do. Learn how to put the ultimate trust in yourself.
Positive Emodiversity: Embracing the Full-Range of Positive Emotions

Positive Emodiversity: Embracing the Full-Range of Positive Emotions

Emodiversity describes the variety of emotions we experience on a daily basis. Research shows that emodiversity can often be a better predictor of physical and mental health than the raw calculation of "positive" vs. "negative" emotions.
The Hot/Cold Empathy Gap: It's Hard to Predict Behavior Until You're In That Situation

The Hot/Cold Empathy Gap: It’s Hard to Predict Behavior Until You’re In That Situation

When you're happy, it's hard to understand those who are sad, and vice versa. We often don’t understand human behavior until we are in that situation and experiencing it first-hand. Psychologists calls this the "hot/cold" empathy gap.
The Psychology of Awe: Why You Should Seek More Mind-Bending Experiences

The Psychology of Awe: Why You Should Seek More Mind-Bending Experiences

"Awe" is an overwhelming feeling of amazement for something that is grand, special, or unique. It's a positive emotion that can have a transformative effect on us, according to new research.
Accepting Emotional Complexity: Why We Often Experience a Cocktail of Different Emotions At Once

Accepting Emotional Complexity: Why We Often Experience a Cocktail of Different Emotions At Once

We rarely experience one singular emotion, but often a cocktail of different emotions at the same time. Embracing the emotional complexity of life is key to becoming more emotionally intelligent.
Savoring Happiness: How to Prolong Any Positive Experience

Savoring Happiness: How to Prolong Any Positive Experience

Savoring is the act of recognizing, appreciating, and prolonging a positive experience. We typically think of savoring while eating, but it's an ability that can be applied to every area of your life. It also may be the key to long-lasting happiness.
Let Bygones Be Bygones: Forgiveness and Letting Go of Emotional Residue

Let Bygones Be Bygones: Forgiveness and Letting Go of Emotional Residue

When you have a bad interaction with someone, how quickly can you let it go? The answer can make all the difference in your happiness and relationships.
Reframing Your Dark Side: Embracing Your Shadow Is Key to Genuine Mental Health

Reframing Your Dark Side: Embracing Your Shadow Is Key to Genuine Mental Health

Why is it important to embrace our "dark side" every now and then? The power of negative emotions, stress and anxiety, and even "Dark Triad" personality traits.